Please read through FAQ sections to see if we've anticipated your question! If you didn’t find an answer to your question, don’t hesitate to contact our Life Estate team, who can help you with enrollment. We’re here to help. You can email us at or contact us at one of the following locations:
In Bethel:
Calista Corporation Enrollment
OFFICE: 313 Ridgecrest Drive, northwest of Watson’s Corner
MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 929, Bethel, AK 99559
(907) 543-5420
In Anchorage:
Calista Corporation Enrollment
OFFICE: 5015 Business Park Boulevard, Suite 1400, near C Street and West International Airport Boulevard, across from Bailey's Furniture
MAILING ADDRESS: 5015 Business Park Boulevard, Suite 3000, Anchorage, AK 99503-7177
(907) 275-2900 | (800) 277-5516 (Toll-Free)
(907) 275-2905 (Confidential and Secure Fax)
Please see Calista Corporation's Mission and Vision for an overview of the history of the corporation.
On July 11, 2015, a majority of Calista Shareholders voted to issue 100 shares of new Class C stock to eligible Descendants of original Calista Shareholders and new Class D stock to Alaska Natives who were eligible to receive original Calista stock on December 18, 1971, but did not. Calista Articles of Incorporation were amended and restated on October 14, 2015. An Enrollment Project Team was mobilized in December 2015 to lead the initial enrollment application and verification effort. Calista has accepted applications for enrollment since January 2017. is this web portal. It is a quick, safe, and secure self-service way to provide enrollment application information and verification documents to Calista Corporation. Applicants and/or their legal representatives will create accounts, and using the web portal will help Calista to reduce paper use and lower printing, processing, and postage expenses.
At any time after Calista opens enrollment in 2017. Some ANCSA corporations that opened enrollment limited the enrollment to certain periods. Calista will not limit the enrollment period.
A Descendant or adoptee of an original Calista Shareholder who was born after December 18, 1971, AND who is not enrolled as a Descendant in another ANCSA Regional Corporation who applies for and is issued new Calista Class C stock. Class C shares are life estate shares and may not be inherited or gifted.
An Alaska Native born on or before December 18, 1971, who was eligible to enroll in the Calista Region under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act but who did not enroll in or receive shares from any Regional Corporation except through gift or inheritance who applies for and is issued new Calista Class D stock. Class D shares are life estate shares and may not be inherited or gifted.
Class A and Class B shares may be gifted. According to ANCSA, a Class A or Class B Shareholder may give stock as a gift during his or her lifetime to a child, grandchild, great-grandchild, niece, nephew, or (if the holder has reached the age of majority as defined by the laws of the State of Alaska) a brother or sister -- notwithstanding an adoption, relinquishment, or termination of parental rights that may have altered or severed the legal relationship between the gift donor and recipient. No gifts of Calista Corporation shares can be made to a Shareholder's husband, wife, mother, father, cousin, in-law, or other relative by blood or marriage.
Class A and Class B shares may be inherited. Upon the death of a holder of Class A and/or Class B stock, ownership is transferred according to the most recent lawfully executed will. If a Shareholder dies without a will, the Alaska Statutes provide guidance on who inherits from the deceased person.
Calista Corporation's original Shareholders are those who received their shares directly from Calista in the 1970s, not through gifting or inheritance. There were about 13,300 original Shareholders, who were issued either Class A or Class B stock. The original Shareholder may be a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, etc., of the enrollment applicant. As long as they were born before December 18, 1971, they would have been issued original shares.
There is no age requirement for applying for Class C (Descendant) shares. Beginning in 2017, Descendants of original Calista Shareholders born after December 18, 1971, may apply for Class C shares at any time after birth.
There is no blood quantum requirement for applicants for Class C shares. All eligible Descendants of original Calista Shareholders may receive Class C shares.
There is a blood quantum requirement for Class D shares. Under ANCSA, Calista can issue shares to Alaska Natives who would have been eligible to receive original Calista shares but did not. The statutory definition of “Native” includes a requirement that the person have “one-fourth degree or more Alaska Indian (including Tsimshian Indians not enrolled in the Metlakatla Indian Community) Eskimo, or Aleut blood, or combination thereof.”
Class C: To qualify for 100 shares of life-estate Class C stock, an applicant must first be able to answer yes to all of the following statements:
Class D: To qualify for 100 shares of life-estate Class D stock, an applicant must first be able to answer yes to all of the following statements:
A person is eligible to receive Class C shares if they are a Descendant of an original Calista Shareholder and were born after December 18, 1971. There is no blood quantum requirement.
A person is eligible to receive Class D shares if they could have received original Calista shares but did not. As discussed previously, there is a one-quarter (¼) blood quantum requirement under ANCSA.
However, a Descendant is ineligible to receive Class C shares if they have already received shares from another ANCSA Regional Corporation that has issued shares to Descendants of their corporation. This exclusion only applies when the Descendant has received shares from another Regional Corporation as part of an issuance of shares to their Descendants. The exclusion does not apply if a Descendant has received shares from another Regional Corporation as a gift or inheritance.
For example, “Jane” is a Descendant who would otherwise be eligible to receive Class C shares. Jane’s mother is from the Calista Region and her father is from the Doyon Region. Doyon has issued shares to Descendants, including Jane. Jane is ineligible to receive Class C shares from Calista because she has already received Descendant shares from another Regional Corporation.
Similarly, someone who could have received original Calista shares but did not is ineligible if they have already received shares from another ANCSA Regional Corporation that has issued shares to those people who could have received original shares in that Regional Corporation but did not. This exclusion only applies when that person has received shares from another Regional Corporation as part of an issuance of shares to those who could have received original shares of that Regional Corporation but did not. The exclusion does not apply if that person has received shares from another Regional Corporation as a gift or inheritance.
ANCSA Regional Corporations that have issued shares to Descendants of their corporation (and the year in which they did so) include the following: NANA Regional Corporation, Inc. (1991); Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (1990); Ahtna, Incorporated (2008); Doyon, Limited (1992); Sealaska Corporation (2007), Calista Corporation (2017).
For purposes of Calista enrollment, it is Calista’s policy to use the definition of “Descendants” instead of "Natives," as outlined in ANCSA. “Descendants” are defined in ANCSA as “(1) a lineal descendant of a Native or of an individual who would have been a Native if such individual were alive on December 18, 1971, or (2) an adoptee of a Native or of a descendant of a Native, whose adoption (A) occurred prior to his or her majority, and (B) is recognized at law or in equity.”
The definition does not include a blood quantum requirement and is fairly broad.
For purposes of Calista enrollment, it is Calista’s policy to use the definition of “Natives” as outlined in ANCSA. ANCSA defines “Native” as “a citizen of the United States who is a person of one-fourth degree or more Alaska Indian (including Tsimshian Indians not enrolled in the Metlakatla Indian Community), Eskimo, or Aleut blood, or combination thereof. The term includes any Native as so defined either or both of whose adoptive parents are not Natives. It also includes, in the absence of proof of a minimum blood quantum, any citizen of the United States who is regarded as an Alaska Native by the Native village or Native group of which he claims to be a member and whose father or mother is (or, if deceased, was) regarded as Native by any village or group.”
A person provides verification that they are a Descendant or adoptee of an original Calista Shareholder and were born after December 18, 1971, AND that they have not enrolled as a Descendant in another ANCSA Regional Corporation. An eligible person who received Calista Class A and/or Class B shares by gift or inheritance may keep those shares and apply to receive 100 Class C life estate shares too.
A person who provides verification that they are an Alaska Native born on or before December 18, 1971, who was eligible to enroll in the Calista Region under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act but who did not enroll in or receive shares from any Regional Corporation except through gift or inheritance. An eligible person who received Calista Class A and/or Class B shares by gift or inheritance may keep those shares and apply to receive 100 Class D life estate shares too.
Certified copies of birth certificates and delayed birth certificates may be obtained from the State Department of Health and Social Services Bureau of Vital Statistics in the State where the person was born.
For more information about obtaining a certified birth certificate for a person born in Alaska, in Anchorage, visit the Bureau of Vital Statistics at 3601 C Street, Suite 128, Anchorage, AK 99503. Call (907) 269-0991. Fax (907) 269-0994.
In Juneau, call (907) 465-3391. Fax (907) 465-3618. Write to Bureau of Vital Statistics, P. O. Box 110675, Juneau, AK 99811-0675. Visit 5441 Commercial Boulevard.
Obtain a request form online at
Requests must be signed and include a copy of a government-issued picture ID of the person requesting the birth record. A fee of $30 is required. Mailed requests are processed within two to three weeks after receipt. An $11 fee is charged for expedited (rush) requests made by fax and are processed within three business days.
More information is available also online at,
For births outside of Alaska, find out more information at
The original Shareholder may call Shareholder Services in Anchorage at (907) 275-2801 or (800) 277-5516 [select Shareholder Services, not Enrollment] and provide the Shareholder’s legal name, date of birth, and Social Security number for verification purposes and the enrollment number will be provided. Shareholders may also visit the Calista offices in Anchorage and Bethel. We do not release information about Shareholders to third parties.
This FAQ contains information about the information and verification documents you will need. Preparation is an important preparation step for applying for enrollment for applicants and/or their legal representatives; so please take the time to read through the information.
You will need information about the Original Shareholder(s) the applicant is descended from -- some combination of Calista Enrollment Number, legal first name, legal last name, year of birth, last four digits of Social Security Number, Village Corporation tie (if any) will help "validate" the lineal descent tie to this Original Shareholder.
Be prepared to provide the following information to establish eligibility.
Sponsor Information:
Other Adult Applicant Information:
Next, see the questions about what documents you will need ...
Sponsor Information:
Applicant Information:
Next, see the questions about what documents you will need ...
Class C Required Verification Documents
Proof of Legal Name (1 required)
---AND---If the current legal name is different from the name listed on the birth certificate or other verification documents:
Proof of Date of Birth (1 required)
Proof of Lineal Descent from an original Calista Shareholder (1 or more required)
Class D Required Verification Documents
Proof of Legal Name (1 required)
---AND---If the current legal name is different from the name listed on the birth certificate or other verification documents:
Proof of Date of Birth (1 required)
Proof of Ties to Calista Region and / or Lineal Descent from Someone in the Calista Region (1 or more required)
Proof of U.S. Citizenship (1 required)
Proof of ¼+ Blood Quantum (1 required)
Sponsors / Legal Representative Documents
Proof of Legal Name (1 required)
---AND---If the current legal name is different from the name listed on the birth certificate or other verification documents:
Proof of Relationship / Responsibility (1 required)
Please contact your Bureau of Indian Affairs agency where you receive services. Instructions are available online.
In Anchorage, contact the BIA Alaska Regional Office at 3601 C Street, Suite 1100, Anchorage, AK 99503-5947. Call: 907-271-1536 or toll-free at 800-645-8465. Fax: 907-271-1349.
In Fairbanks, contact the BIA Fairbanks Agency at 101 12th Avenue, Room 166, Fairbanks, AK 99701. Call: 907-456-0522 or toll-free at 800-822-3596, press 1. Fax: 907-456-0225.
In Juneau, contact the BIA Juneau Office at 709 West 9th Street (PO Box 21647), Juneau, AK 99802. Call: 907-586-7177 or toll-free at 800-645-839, press 2, then press 6. Fax: 907-586-7252.
Note: In order for the U.S. Secretary of Interior to issue a Certificate of Degree of Indian Blood, an applicant is required to show a relationship to an individual Indian listed on an Indian census roll, tribal base roll, Indian judgment fund distribution roll (Roll) that includes Indian blood degrees, or other document prepared and approved by the Secretary of the Interior (Secretary) or his/her authorized representative.
Class A and Class B Shareholders and Class D (Missed Enrollee) Shareholder Applicants may contact their nearest Bureau of Indian Affairs agency office about blood quantum designations.
A certificate issued by the U. S. Department of Interior Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) identifies an individual as a Native and verifies ties to the Calista Region.
If no proof of blood quantum, an Affidavit -- that the application and his / her mother or father is / was regarded as Alaska Native -- signed by a leader of any Native illage or group of which the applicant claims to be a mbmer, such as the President of a village council or Chair of the Board of an ANCSA village corporation will be accepted.
Calista staff will inspect, scan, and upload verification documents from mailed, emailed, and securely faxed applications and during assisted application appointments into our secure database.
We will reach out to applicants and sponsors regarding pending applications by all modes: phone, text, email, and mail. We will remind applicants with pending applications to submit required information and documents. The reminders will state that, if required information and documents are still not received and the application cannot be evaluated against acceptance criteria, the application may be set to expired status. Applicants or sponsors may contact our office in Anchorage or Bethel in order to reactivate their application.
There are five ways to submit required supporting documents and information to Calista.
1. UPLOAD required documents to this web portal during the online application process:
2. VISIT the Calista offices in Bethel or Anchorage to deliver required documents: 313 Willow St, Bethel; or 5015 Business Park Blvd, Ste 1400, Anchorage
3. CALL the Life Estate team to discuss your application over the phone: (907) 275-2900
4. MAIL required documents to Calista. Submit clear (preferably color) photocopies. If you must submit originals, we will return them to you: Calista Corporation, ATTN: Enrolment, 5015 Business Park Blvd, Ste 3000, Anchorage, AK 99503
5. EMAIL required documents to our secure electronic mailbox:
6. FAX required documents to our secure fax inbox: (907) 275-2905
There are five ways for an applicant or legal sponsor to complete, sign, and date a Class C or Class D enrollment application form.
The easiest method is applying online.
Completed applications and verification documents may be delivered, mailed, emailed, or faxed to
Calista Corporation Enrollment
MAILING: 5015 Business Park Blvd, Suite 3000
OFFICE: 5015 Business Park Blvd, Suite 1400
Located near C Street and West International Airport Boulevard
Anchorage, AK 99503-7177
(907) 275-2905 (Secure Fax)
Or delivered in Bethel to
Calista Corporation Enrollment
OFFICE: 313 Willow Street
Located behind the State of Alaska Legislative Office off Ridgecrest just northwest of Watson’s Corner
Note: Applicants are discouraged from submitting original documents. Submit photocopies only, preferebly color if possible. If you must submit original documents, Calista will return them after documents are reviewed and scanned into the secure database.
Easiest! An electronic application is available in this web portal.
A downloadable and fillable application is available in the link section to the right.
Request a paper application form by contacting the Enrollment Team.
Calista Corporation Enrollment
5015 Business Park Blvd, Suite 3000
Anchorage, AK 99503-7177
(907) 275-2900 | (907) 275-2905 (Secure Fax)
Easiest! An electronic application is available in this web portal.
A downloadable and fillable application is available in the link section to the right.
Request a paper application form by contacting the Enrollment Team.
Calista Corporation Enrollment
5015 Business Park Blvd, Suite 3000
Anchorage, AK 99503-7177
(907) 275-2900 | (907) 275-2905 (Secure Fax)
Calista will issue a notice to you by email or mail. If you don't have email, you may also check your status in the Inbox tab of the web portal by logging in with the username and password you created during signup.
Application information and documents establishing eligibility are captured electronically. Data and documents are verified using standardized eligibility criteria. We strive to review complete, submitted applications within 60 days. At certain times of the year, we do not review applications due to the annual cycle of Shareholder Services activities.
Applicants who have not submitted required documentation will receive a reminder email, phone call, letter, or text at regular intervals. Applications missing required information or required documentation may be set to expired after 90 days, and the applicant or sponsor must call our Anchorage or Bethel offices to reactivate the application and proceed.
Shareholders own a stake in Calista. Unlike a typical corporation, Calista stocks belong to its Shareholders and cannot be bought or sold. Shareholders who keep their records up to date will receive timely distributions, newsletters, invitations, and an opportunity to vote at each Annual Meeting. Current Shareholders are requested to provide a current address, phone number, and email address to the Shareholder Services department.
If you didn’t find an answer to your question, don’t hesitate to contact Shareholder Services — we’re here to help you:
By Mail: Calista Corporation
Shareholder Services
5015 Business Park Boulevard, Suite 3000
Anchorage, AK 99503-7177
Phone: (907) 275-2801
(800) 277-5516 (toll-free)
Fax: (907) 275-2922 (confidential and secure fax)
Calista will continue to advocate for state and federal funding of infrastructure development, programs, and projects that improve the quality of life for Calista Shareholders.
Calista Corporation currently issues four types of Shareholder distributions: Spring, Akilista investment portfolio, Elders’ Benefit Program, and 7(j) resource revenue pass-through distributions. The Calista Board of Directors voted to approve a resolution to accept new Shareholders in October 2017. The first Class C and Class D shares were issued in December 2017. Future issuance of Class C and Class D shares will be periodic throughout each year. New Shareholders will be eligible for voting, distributions, board candidacy, and more. For more information, see our main FAQ.
In Spring and Fall of each year, the Board considers and votes on a resolution to issue a distribution. Approved Class C and Class D Shareholders who have been issued certificates by the date of record cutoff are eligible for those potential distributions.
Once approved, Class C and Class D enrollment application information are forwarded to the Calista Shareholder Services for processing. The Calista Board of Directors passed a Resolution to accept new Shareholders in October 2017. The Shareholder Services Team will prepare notices of stock issuance to eligible applicants and distribute noties with a packet welcoming new Shareholders to Calista Corporation. The first issuance of new Class C and Class D shares was in December 2017. New Shareholders are eligible for voting, distributions, board candidacy, and more.
Qualified Shareholders enrolled as of the established Date of Record may vote at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders in one of three ways: by paper proxy, electronic online proxy, or in person at the Annual Meeting. Class A and B Shareholders will receive proxies regardless of age, and adult custodians vote on behalf of minors who hold Class A and B shares. Class C and D Shareholders will receive proxies starting at age 18.
All active Class A and Class B Shareholders are eligible to receive Shareholder distributions. Class C and Class D Shareholders will also be eligible for Shareholder distributions, except for Elders’ Benefit Program distributions. Shareholder distributions are typically issued in April. Akilista investment portfolio distributions are typically issued in November. Special distributions are issued at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Only Class B shareholders directly receive 7(j) cash distributions.
Calista will issue a notice to you by email or mail. If you don't have email, you may also check your status in the Inbox tab of the web portal by logging in with the username and password you created during signup.
Declination of Application. An individual whose application for Class C or Class D stock is declined in whole or part will be notified by email or mail of the opportunity to file a written appeal requesting review of the declination within thirty (30) days.
First Appeal of Declined Application. To appeal a declined application, the individual shall have thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the notice of declination to submit a written appeal to the Calista Corporation Enrollment and Technology Manager or designee. The appeal may contain additional documents, records, or other information to support the appeal. A late appeal will not be considered. The Manager will review the appeal against established criteria and respond in writing to the individual within forty-five (45) calendar days of receipt of the appeal. The response will communicate the Manager’s decision and will include notice of the opportunity to appeal to the second and final level if the individual disagrees with the Manager’s decision.
Second Appeal of Declined Application. If the individual whose application was declined is not satisfied with the Enrollment and Technology Manager’s decision, a second written appeal must be submitted within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of notice of the appeal declination to the Vice President of Corporate Affairs or designee. The Vice President will convene and chair a three-member Appeal Panel that includes a designated member of the Legal Team and a designated member of the Shareholder Services Team. The Appeal Panel will review the Manager’s decision against established criteria and determine the outcome of the appeal by majority vote. The Vice President or designee will communicate the Appeal Panel’s decision in writing by certified return receipt mail within forty-five (45) calendar days of the second appeal. The decision of the Appeal Panel is final, and no further appeal will be considered.
The current Calista Articles of Incorporation require participation of at least fifty percent (50%) of Shareholders to conduct business at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders. Because the number of Shareholders may triple, and based upon comments from other Regional Corporations that have issued shares to Descendants, the Board of Directors anticipates some difficulty achieving a quorum for the Annual Meeting. This could require Calista to expend more time, effort, and money to achieve quorum for the Annual Meeting due to the increase in the overall number of Shareholders. If quorum is not reached, the Annual Meeting would need to be rescheduled, resulting in additional expenses. This impact is expected to be decreased since new Class C (Descendant) Shareholders must be 18 years or older to vote.
Because of the increase in overall shares, more Shareholders will share declared distributions; therefore, distributions per share will decrease. Declared distribution per-share amounts depend on how many new Shareholders are enrolled.
Of the approximately 13,000 active Shareholders at the time enrollment was opened, approximately 9,200 were original Shareholders and nearly 3,900 were those who received stock by inheritance and/or gifting, including over one hundred (100) non-Natives who inherited stock from original Shareholders. With the new enrollment program, the number of original Shareholders will remain the same, and the number of Descendants enrolled as Shareholders will increase to an estimated range of 20,000 to 40,000.
It is anticipated that more Shareholders will live outside the Calista Region and the average Shareholder age will be younger (for reference, currently about 70% of people in the Region are under age 40). Also new Shareholders will be eligible to run for the Calista Board of Directors. Therefore, the new Shareholder demographic may change priorities of the Corporation in ways that Calista cannot predict.
The increase in Shareholders is expected to increase administrative costs in several ways, including creating and delivering more annual meeting materials and Yaaruin Storyknife newsletter copies, administering and processing distributions to more Shareholders, and maintaining an increased number of Shareholder records. Costs will be contained by providing options for electronic receipt and submission of information.
There are alternatives to traditional scanners for creating an image of your verification documents. One option is your smartphone camera: position your document on a flat, well-lit surface and take a close JPEG photograph of it. Make sure the document is legible before uploading. A second option is to use a scanning app available in your app store that will function with your smartphone's camera but enable you to also create document types such as PDF.
If you forgot your Enrollment Module password and you signed up with your email address, click on "Forgot password" at the Sign-in page at The system will send you an email. If you did NOT sign up using an email, contact the Enrollment Team for a password reset. You will be asked a series of security questions.
Calista Corporation's Enrollment Module web portal was developed for use with Google Chrome browser. Microsoft Edge can also be used. Safari, Netscape, Firefox, Edge, Opera, and other browsers are not supported.
If you experience an error message or file size warning when trying to upload a verification document, it may be due to the file size being too large. If the file is a PDF, try to save it to a lower resolution file, such as a JPEG or GIF.
The username is the first name, last name, and birthdate of the person who created the account. Example: joemoe12291975. Click the Sign in button on, where you can choose Forgot password? or Forgot username?
Please wait at least 20 minutes and try to login again if you get locked out of your account.